“Nothing human is alien to us”
In addition to life-threatening diseases, the contemporary way of life (stress, bad nutrition) affect the quality of life and the daily routine of the average person, eventually also affecting their health. That is exactly where we focus. This is the area where a group of people with faith and vision for its work can make a contribution, by innovating without restrictions and without giving up on its ideas. Towards this purpose, the company has brought together the best human resources (scientists and technicians). Our goal is to contribute to the improvement of human life.
“When technology partners with nature”
Passion and knowledge are basic in everything – including skin health.
Bioclin range of products by Istituto Ganassini is the fruit of the company’s love for nature and its seventy years of experience in conducting research in dermatology.
Evolia pharmaceuticals
address: 31, Gurgulyat Str. Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 4172609, Fax: +359 2 416 2901